Angela Uzielli Bursary

Angela Uzielli was one of life’s natural charmers.  Her death was a shock, aged 59, and only a few weeks after her 1999 success.

Her competitive streak is reflected in her record, which includes becoming British Champion in 1977, playing in the 1978 Curtis Cup, taking the English title in 1990 (at the age of 50) and the British Senior Championship six times from 1990, the last in September, 1999 at Malone, where she won by a whopping six shots. She was an England captain and the 1990 Woman Golfer of the Year.

Hugh and Catherine Stevenson, friends of the Uzielli family, have very kindly provided the founding capital to the England Golf Trust for Bursaries to be known as ‘The Angela Uzielli Bursaries’ in her memory.


The Bursaries will be awarded to promising girl golfers who wish to further their education at university, within the British Isles, after school academic year 12, and at the same time continue to develop their golfing skills. They should be of English nationality by birth or have either parent of English nationality, or have been resident in England for the last two years.

The Bursaries are to provide financial assistance for educational expenses of girls in higher education. The awards will be administered through the England Golf Trust.

It is intended that the income from the capital will fund up to three bursaries a year of between £1250 – £2000 each per year.

The Bursaries will be awarded to students who have a financial need and will continue for the duration of their academic course. However, the award will be reviewed annually and the students will need to show that their enthusiasm and commitment to their golf have been satisfactory before the next year’s funds are released.

How to apply

Download Application-Form-Angela-Uzielli-Bursary. Return via your county junior organiser or college personal tutor who will provide a recommendation and confidential report.

Closing date: the last Friday in September. Your application will be reviewed by the England Golf Trustees who, in consultation with Mr John Uzielli, will make the final decision on the granting of the Bursary.

Whilst receiving a grant, the recipients will be required to provide a statement of their golfing and academic progress to the England Golf Trust at The National Golf Centre before 31st July of each year.