Trust helped set Lesley up for a career in sport
Lesley Fox from Worcestershire says a grant from the England Golf Trust in her teens has helped her development and career in sport.
When Lesley received a grant in 1978 from the then ELGA Trust towards travel and coaching, it helped her family pay for a sport that seemed increasingly expensive.
The much-needed grant allowed her to continue with high-level coaching and secure a full scholarship to Ohio State University (OSU) in the USA.
Lesley said: “I was awarded the grant in my late teens and it was a real boost. At the time I was lucky enough to have coaching from Vivienne Saunders, who coached the England and Curtis Cup squads at the time.
“Thanks to Vivienne’s recommendation, I was able to secure a full scholarship to Ohio State University. At the time, I was one of the first female golfers to go to the States in 1980. There was no selection process in the UK for American colleges as there is today. This opportunity changed my life, let alone my golf.
“It was a real boost to receive backing from the Trust to progress my golf because back then, in my late teens, it was unusual for girls to play golf.
“The funding helped my parents to make golf affordable when they were both working, and had another sister to cater for.
“Our main family holiday of the year invariably was going to the English Girls and British Girls Championships. We would stay in a B&B or a static caravan so that I could compete. My sister didn’t find it much fun!
“One year, my dad didn’t take a jacket and tie and wasn’t allowed in the clubhouse at the particular venue, so he had to go and buy one which added to the costs. That didn’t go down well!
“Without the grant, I wouldn’t have had coaching from Vivienne and probably wouldn’t have got into OSU. I still go back for reunions with my teammates and have friends for life.”
Lesley, whose maiden name was Waring, used her teaching degree from OSU to move into a physical education career in England. She promoted golf to young people in schools. She then worked in sports development and again worked with local clubs and schools to increase access to golf for young people.
She discovered the game at a fete, aged 15, then caddied for her dad before starting to play. She has played the sport ever since and, among her many achievements, she has been county girls’ and women’s champion, County Junior Organiser, Worcestershire County Captain, and in 2022, was a finalist at the England Golf Seniors’ Closed Championship Over 60s.
Best advice I was given
“Never stop listening to others about the game. I still get advice from players and professionals I respect in my 60s.
Advice I’d give
“Enjoy the game – you never stop learning. It’s not an easy game so don’t pin all your hopes on winning all the time. Even if you don’t reach your main goal, progressing just a little bit, is a success.”
What I wish I’d know
How important the short game is to achieving your best scores.
Photograph: Leaderboard Photography
Lesley at England Golf Seniors’ Closed Championship 2020